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Once a year we hold a party for our label, sticker, and banner customers, as well as a few friends. We serve a little barbeque, throw back a few beers, and appreciate all the goodness that we lizards get to enjoy.

This party always happens on April 1st, but no Fool’s Day pranks are pulled. We call it “Label Fool’s Day” and we just make it the day in the calendar to let loose and bask in the glow of our community (just like a lizard would!) This year was our fifth Fool’s Day, which also meant it was our 5th anniversary of being in business.

Lizards making custom labels for five festive years: It doesn’t get much better than that.

Midway through the early evening party at Pateros Creek Brewery, Todd Boyt, our chief lizard, took the mic to make some acknowledgments.

In between a few funny, self-deprecating remarks, his upbeat and kind personality shown for all to see. Todd beamed when recognizing his business partner and wife, Maureen Boyt, Head Moxie of The Moxie Exchange Movement for the amazing support she’s given to the label company and attributed her amazing wisdom to helping the company grow.

Todd also recognized the outstanding performance of his two employees: Casey Murphy, VP/COO/Supreme Sticker Commander and Jeff Davis, “The Edward Scissor Hand’s of Stickers.” These two labeling fanatics are friends to small business, providing their expertise to customers at every turn. Todd went on to thank Kris Boesch, CEO of Choose People, for starting his local referral market and especially introducing him to his first customer.

The highlight of the evening, besides Todd’s totally enjoyable ad-lib presentation (and the amazing food provided by Vanessa Schmidt!) was the tribute made to the company’s first customer: Horsetooth Hot Sauce and its owner – John and Michael Ann Comeau.

Leapin Lizard Labels Annual Party

Horsetooth – the fiery sauce that’s “hot and bottled in Fort Collins, Colorado” is loved all over the state… and beyond. Leapin Lizard has produced the spicy looking labels for Horsetooth Hot Sauce for the last five years. At the party, Todd, Casey, and Jeff gave Michael Ann a plaque showing her labels in the ultra-new metallic finishes that Leapin Lizard can now produce, to make them even more impressive at the point of sale.

Beer flowed and the catered food was fantastic – but the joy in making it in business for five years and the support of the community was what was made the evening worth a huge lizard high five!


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