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Custom Soap Labels

First, in order for the product to be actually labelled as “soap” it is important to make sure that it does what being a soap means. Essentially than means that your product cleans and is made out of oils and lye. It must also follow required practices set by industry standards. In order to follow the Consumer Product and Safety Commission regulations you must have the following labeling requirements on your soap label:

1. The wording on the package must identify the product as “soap”

First, in order for the product to be actually labelled as “soap” it is important to make sure that it does what being a ‘soap’ means. Essentially than means that your product cleans and is made out of oils and lye. It must also follow required practices set by industry standards.

2. The net weight of the product

3. The name and address of your business

Pretty self-explanatory so far! Though it’s not required, another component that you can include on your soap label to give it a leg up are guidelines from the FDA:

4. A list of ingredients

Because our society is very focused on clean, organic products with simple ingredients, including ingredient information on your soap label can help give your product what it needs to stand out from the crowd. Use commonly used industry words, and list the ingredients in descending proportional order based on the formula for your soap.

A sticker or label can make your customer feel connected to you, so you may decide to add:

5. How your product is made

Knowing how your soap is produced gives your company transparency. If people feel like they have an in on what your company is doing and how they are doing it, they feel an attachment- like they know you. And once they feel like they know you, customers are far more likely to buy your hand crafted, one-of-a-kind soap.

Now let’s focus on the look and feel of your soap label.

6. Use a label material that reflects your brand

Everyone has different preferences on the look that they are going for. Ideally you want to make sure that you use the correct materials to make sure your product catches your buyer’s eye. Sometimes companies associate a matte finish with being softer and more natural like satin, while others think a high gloss finish denotes higher quality. If you’re someone that wants the feel of the paper, using matte paper with no laminate is the way to go. Not only is paper good for the feel of the label, but it also allows you to write on the label with all kinds of writing utensils, instead of just a sharpie marker

Finally, think about what kind of label will catch your customer’s eye.

7. Choose a size and shape that makes your soap label ‘pop’

There are a couple common shapes of labels you can choose from including circles, ovals or rectangles covering a portion or all of the face of your product. But truly, you can create a label in all kinds of unique shapes and sizes. Something that might influence your soap label shape and size is your packaging- whether you have a plastic wrap around the soap bar, or if you are using a generic box. And don’t forget- make sure to choose a quality label printing company who will produce beautiful soap labels for you. Contact us today to print the proper labels for your soap products, or find out more information on custom soap labels here!









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