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Here at Leapin’ Lizard Labels, we do our utmost to reduce our impact on the environment. After all, we’re a “green” company. While printing can be taxing on the environment — with inks containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), high energy usage, and waste production — printing can also be environmentally friendly. We’ve taken strides to reduce our footprint, and we’d be ecstatic to share our practices with you so that you may better your business practices as you strive to go green. Below, we’ve cataloged six simple steps that you can take to improve your company while saving the earth — as always, you can count on us to provide you with environmentally friendly labels printed on recycled label printing stock to stick on your products!

Tap Into a Renewable Energy Source

Nearly every business relies on energy, regardless of the product or service that you provide. And energy consumption can be taxing on the environment, especially if your energy is sourced from a power plant that uses coal, oil, or natural gas. Fortunately, renewable energy sources are on the rise, and companies can take energy into their own hands by installing solar panels, or investing in solar and wind energy credits (which support these energy sources). Find out where your energy comes from, and aim to make your business reliant on renewable sources.

Here at Leapin’ Lizard Labels, our operations rely on wind-generated electricity and our current goal is to be 100 percent solar powered in the future, in order to reduce our impact on the environment. Right now our label printing equipment, our lights, and even the coffee maker are powered by the wind!

Avoid Harmful Products

Some products are made consciously, while others are made of harmful chemicals that can make their way into the watershed, damaging our ecosystem. Take a keen look at the products that you use in your business. Are they petroleum based? Do they contain VOCs? Does it require a lot of energy to produce these products? How do you dispose of the waste created from using these products? Be mindful of the products you utilize, and seek out products that have a lesser impact on the planet.

We use a digital printing process, which, unlike more traditional machine printing, doesn’t rely on films, plates, or chemicals that are wasteful and damaging to the environment. Beyond that, our eco-printing presses use water-based inks, which aren’t toxic like other inks available to printers.

Implement Green Practices 

Going green is a team effort, and it means implementing good habits for all of your employees. Create an environmentally consciousness program, and put practices in place to reduce waste around your workspace. Some things are simple: You’ll want to have a recycling program with bins accessible throughout the space. You can also train employees to shut off their computers when they’re not in use. Even turning off the lights in the lavatory can save a bit of energy day in and day out. Finally, you can seek out environmental programs that are designed to help businesses to improve their operations and practices.

We’ve opted to join the ClimateWise program here in our hometown of Fort Collins to improve our green practices. ClimateWise is one of many voluntary environmental awareness programs out there that are designed to help companies as they reduce their impact on the planet. As their site notes, their program is designed to offer “simple solutions to help Fort Collins Businesses reduce their impact, save money and gain recognition for their achievements in energy and water conservation, waste reduction, alternative transportation and social responsibility.” In short, this program helps businesses to be environmentally friendly without sacrificing their bottom line. Consider finding a similar program in your area to discover resources to aid environmentally friendly practices for your business.

Reduce Waste Wherever Possible

From getting rid of those little paper water-cooler cups (or even the water cooler itself), to changing your production line to cut waste, there are unending solutions and opportunities for businesses to keep excess from ending up in the landfill. If you’re not sure where to start, simply look at the garbage bins around the office — what gets tossed out? What creates the most waste? Take steps to reduce or eliminate these sources of waste, and recycle any and all of these things that don’t need to go into the dumpster (we’ll discuss more about recycling below).

At Leapin’ Lizard, we use an electronic proofing process to save paper and reduce what goes to the waste stream. Our process generates little to no paper waste; meanwhile, other companies produce waste with the multiple test runs that are required for their presses.

Start a Recycling Program & Seek Recycled Products

As we just mentioned, a recycling program can work wonders to reduce your company’s impact on the environment. Beyond that, you should seek out products that are recycled, since it’s far less taxing to recycle a product than to make a new one from the finite resources around us. Be sure to set up bins in the break room and cafeteria to catch bottles, cans, and other common consumption materials. If you have a business that is heavily reliant on paper, then be sure to have recycle bins readily available around the office. You can even encourage employees to print on both sides of paper.

We use recycled label printing stock to create our earth-friendly labels and stickers. The recycled label printing paper we choose to use is made from post-consumer waste which produces less refuse and reduces the impact on the environment. 

Encourage Alternative Transportation

Nowadays, most folks commute by car to get to work. And unfortunately, that only adds to smog, global warming, and poor air quality. Encourage your coworkers to switch it up by biking into the office, ride sharing, or taking public transportation (like the bus, light rail, etc.). You can create a program that rewards those who commute via alternative transportation. Give out free food for those who bike to work. Or offer up a gift card to employees who carpool. You might also consider having work-from-home days for those who can work remotely, so that they can skip the commute altogether.

Here at Leapin’ Lizard, we often bike to work or client meetings, and the owner even drives a Prius to mitigate the impact of the commute! It’s a small step, but every bit makes a difference!

Your “Green” Printers

Like our logo, we love being “green.” If you’re looking for a partner in the printing industry, we’d be ecstatic to provide you with the labels, stickers, and banners that you need. When you team up with Leapin’ Lizard Printing, you can always trust that your product labels are printed in an environmentally friendly fashion. Plus, you can feel free to boast about your eco-friendly label on the label itself! Learn more about our eco-friendly labels, and count on us for your upcoming prints — reach out to us to get started!

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