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Black Friday is on the horizon, which means that folks are about to flood shopping malls to take advantage of deals to get ready for the season of giving. It’s an exciting time for all, and an especially busy time for those on the commercial end of the market. If you’re ramping up production for the holidays, it may be time to consider a rebrand to capture the holiday spirit. Make the most of the season by impressing your clientele with new packaging and a new product label — we can help you with that latter part. Count on Leapin’ Lizard Labels to print your upcoming holiday labels, and check out our tips below to make your product the gift that everyone wants to give.

Read Your Audience

Who’s buying your goods? Take your audience into consideration when revamping your products for the holidays. If you sell kids’ toys, opt for bright colors to capture their eye the next time they’re in the toy aisle making a wishlist. Or, if you sell luxurious handmade chocolates, go with packaging that’s as luxurious on the outside as the treats are on the inside. For example, you could use a clean, white and purple box with a label that features shiny gold text — very luxurious indeed!

Keep Your Signature Style, Change the Rest

While a holiday design overhaul could mean a better bottom line, too much change may sink sales, especially for businesses that already have a trusty clientele. Keep your signature brand the same for clients that already know your product and its packaging, While you can alter your logo a bit, change the color scheme, add graphics, et cetera, be cautious and keep your overall brand recognizable. You’ll retain sales from those who already know the value of your product, and you’ll gain new sales from those who are scouring shelves of fresh products for their holiday shopping.

Stand Out

This rule always applies when it comes to branding, packaging, and your product labels: Stand out from the crowd. That’s just as true as holiday sales pick up. Take a look at other products on the shelf as they transition to holiday packaging — if all of your competitors’ products seem to go one direction, go the other. If other sellers are going with complex, flowery designs, consider a simple, elegant packaging theme to capture the eyes of onlookers. If everyone is going with green and red colors for Christmas, go with white and blue to celebrate the seasonal snow. Take the road less traveled to earn more attention from potential clients. Just don’t go too gaudy or strange, or your brand may be off-putting.

Quality Packaging for Quality Products

Your packaging should always represent the quality of what it contains. High-quality products should be packaged in high-quality packaging to complete the picture. Think about a wedding ring: It comes in a plush, velvety, pillowed box for a reason. So, whether you’re selling high-end wine or artisan soaps, your packaging should reflect the quality of the product. Successful packaging may even be reused time and time again, making your product’s box a bit of advertisement that lasts and lasts.

Make the Most of Your Holiday Branding

With a few tweaks to the packaging and labeling of your products, you could see a major boost in sales these holidays. As always, we’re here to help you print the perfect labels for your products, regardless of the season. Get your labels printed with a quick turnaround time from Leapin’ Lizard Labels — reach out to us today to learn more and to submit artwork for your upcoming labels! Happy holidays!

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