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New products require advertising to make it into the hands of customers. Good products sell themselves with good branding, packaging, and advertising. And great products continue to sell themselves, since satisfied customers keep coming back. So, how do you earn clients, keep clients, and transform your clientele into your advertisers? Follow our tips to create a successful campaign for your product or product line. And as always, you can count on Leapin’ Lizard Labels to create custom product labels to ensure your campaign is a success!

High-Quality, Inside and Out

First thing’s first, and this goes without saying, but quality is a must. Make sure that your product is high-quality, and its packaging reflects what it contains. Even low-cost products should look professional and project a high-quality image. Consider packaging that is well suited for your product, and invest in a label that accurately represents your product and your brand image. If you’re introducing new products or a new product line, you can “feel out” the market by using various forms of packaging to see which one works best (take a look at our blog, How to A/B Test Your Product Packaging for a few tips).

If you can’t decide on your product packaging or you’d like to improve the quality of the product itself, go straight to your audience. Ask your target audience what they like about your product and its design and if they see any room for improvement. You can offer free samples of your product, and ask potential customers to fill out a questionnaire to gain insight into what folks are looking for. If you notice room for improvement, then listen to your audience and adapt to meet their desires and expectations.

Active Advertising for New Products

To kick off any new product, product line, or brand, advertising is a must. Put in the footwork to get your name out there to gain exposure for your product. While you should consider all forms of advertising (including TV, radio, billboards, etc.), nearly any campaign can benefit from an online presence. Build a website to market your product; use your website to generate sales while advertising. In addition, consider other forms of advertising to spread the word about your new product.

Ask yourself, what makes sense for my product, its image, and the clients that I’m trying to win over? If you’re seeking out a local market, for example, then opt for local media outlets like the newspaper or a billboard at a popular intersection. You may even want to attend local events and set up a tent to show off your goods — just be sure to check into the permits required for events tents! When it comes to a new product, it’s best not to place all of your eggs in one basket, since potential clients are exposed to different forms of media, and a combination of media can help to concretize your campaign to make your product more memorable.

Finally, be sure to adjust your marketing campaign as you go along. Ask your clients how they heard about your products. Consider investing more in marketing that is showing results, and scrap marketing campaigns that are falling on deaf ears. Track where your profits are coming from, and reinforce marketing strategies that cater to that audience.

Brand-Prominent Packaging

Once you have a client “on the hook,” you’ll want to keep them coming back for more. Make sure that your product packaging is instantly recognizable to ensure that return clients can find your product without hesitation. If you have a product line, use succinct, continuous branding throughout the product line to guide purchasers to your products. You can incorporate a color scheme that is continuous throughout your product line, or a logo that folks will recognize in an instant. Even a recognizable font can work wonders to make your brand stick in the minds of your consumers.

If you only have one product on display, then it has to stand out from the crowd. Consider vibrant colors, a minimalist style, different packaging materials, or any other creative solution to set your product apart from the competition. While you may not want to make your product appear gaudy, you can make an impact with a few subtle changes that individualize your product. Not sure where to start? Take a look at similar products on the market, and determine a new design direction that your competitors haven’t implemented.

Word of Mouth

“You’ve gotta try it!”

This is a phrase that you want to have your clients proclaiming, time and time again. When is the last time that you heard someone tell you about a product that “you simply have to buy”? These are the golden words that you want to pour out of your client’s mouths, transforming them into advertisers for your product. While there’s no single golden rule that will transform your clients into your best form of advertisement, there are a few tactics you can try. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Go above and beyond: Does your product have a little something extra? Maybe it’s far more affordable than the competition. Maybe it solves two problems, when competitor products only solve one. Maybe it simply hasn’t been dreamt up by anyone else. Regardless of what gives you an edge, be sure to promote that aspect of your project however possible. Place your product in a tier above all others to get folks talking about the “next big thing.”
  • Make it “giftable”: Make your product so desirable and useful that it’s “giftable.” If you have a product that’s great for any household, then your clients will begin to purchase your item in order to give it to others. Strive to make your product desirable for all sorts of customers, and be sure to promote your product around gift-giving holidays. Your sales will multiply when clients are opting to buy three or four of your giftable product, instead of just one!
  • Offer a discount: A discount or a sale isn’t just going to entice new clients, it’ll get current clients to gab about your product, especially if they buy it time and time again. “Oh, you have to buy so-and-so now, it’s buy-one-get-one!” a client may announce to her friends, and like that, you’ve earned a handful of new customers. 

Why is word of mouth advertising so crucial? Well, people trust people that they know far more than they trust an advertisement or a stranger. Think about it: If you have a friend who is ranting and raving about a new air fryer that they bought, those words are far more valuable than an ad featuring a stranger who is ranting and raving about that same new air fryer.

Incorporate smart advertising, professional packaging, and a bit of tact to earn new clients, keep existing clients, and turn your clients into your most powerful resource to attract an ever-expanding audience.

Premier Packaging Starts Here

A great campaign starts with a great product label. We can help you to kick off your campaign. Count on Leapin’ Lizard Labels to custom print labels that are perfectly suited to your product or product line. With speedy turnarounds, free print proofs, and inexpensive pricing regardless of the number of product labels that you need, there’s really only one choice for all of your custom product label needs. Get started with a quick quote for your project!

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