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A new year is upon us! Each year brings yearning for a fresh start and some new resolutions. More often than not, personal resolutions come to mind such as getting back in the gym, or drinking more water. Today, however, we’ll be discussing resolutions for the business owner. Whether your business consists of only two people, or fifty, here are five resolutions worth considering. 


Manage Your Metrics

One of the most helpful resources to a business is metrics! Understanding what your metrics are saying can make or break a company, so use them to your advantage this year! Unfortunately, this can also be one of the most confusing and overwhelming things for a business owner if you have no prior experience with a mass of data like this. If you’re not ready to consider hiring someone to do this, it’s okay to start small here.  Decide on the few most important metrics, and go from there. Some examples could include what product or service brought in the most money this year, what is the biggest website traffic source, what is the average lead conversion rate or which email had the highest open rate. [AgencyAnalytics] [Oribi]

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Streamline Your Life

Many in the business world have already discovered the godsend that is project management software. If you haven’t, you’ll want to fix that immediately. However, even if you already track your workflow or task lists, busy business owners may find it helpful to utilize this strategy for personal life as well. It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Even jotting down to do lists for the week in [Trello] or taking fifteen minutes in the morning to plan your day in [Notion] could streamline your busy life and help keep you focused when it matters most. 

Make the Most out of Marketing

Marketing is another imperative for a business of any size. Even if it’s just a small email campaign or your first paid social media advertisement, it’s a necessity to get your name and brand out to consumers. Marketing professionals can be helpful if you’re ready to take that step, but if not, you could narrow your focus to researching and narrowing out your buyer personas. With how much the world has changed, it could be a good idea to update what you know about your customers’ wants and needs, and refresh your marketing messaging to reflect that. You can start small here too, but plan to go big once you fully optimize your website! 


Work/Life Balance

If the pandemic taught professionals anything, it’s that a good work/life balance can do great things for your mental health and even increase productivity in the workplace. Depending on your industry, try out a flexible workspace or schedule with your employees, and see how they soar! As for yourself, remember that at the end of the day, work will always be there. No matter how successful you become, you can’t stop time when it comes to your family; the reality is that they might not always be there. Get your work done well, but spend time where it matters most, too. [Harvest]

Give Back

Our holiday spirit hasn’t dried up just yet;  think about giving back this year! You don’t have to write a check for millions of dollars in order to make a positive impact in your community. Donate a small portion of your profits one day to your favorite non-profit organization, or have an employee volunteer day at the animal shelter. This can build trust with your local community and strengthen the bonds among your employees. 

Our team at Leapin’ Lizard Labels wishes you a Happy New Year, and we hope to see your businesses thrive in 2022! Whether it’s these five resolutions or others you choose to try, be sure to let us know what is most helpful to you this year. Want even more help in 2022? Check out our ebook: 2022 Print Industry Trends Report to see what to look out for in our industry this year.

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