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For years, stickers have been gluing people, ideas, and concepts to our minds. While they’re fun for simple decoration, they’re also excellent tools for marketing, campaigns, and the dissemination of information. They’re a creative and fun way to run a cost-effective marketing campaign for your business.

You can make stickers for customers to put on their cars, laptops, water bottles, tumblers, etc. Everything they’re placed on becomes a portable advertisement for your brand. Your customer may stick it on their water bottle, which they bring to work and social gatherings, thus exposing everyone in their vicinity to your branding. Younger people often use stickers to advertise their interests and beliefs to others, so they’re often drawn to examine others’ stickers to learn more about them. This is a great way to slip your brand into casual interactions between potential consumers, displaying your brand to people in their day-to-day lives.  What’s more, this marketing strategy is much cheaper than paying for billboards or television commercials.

With all of this in mind, how can your brand break into the world of sticker marketing? We’ll discuss this and more in the Essential Guide to Sticker Marketing.

Sticker Marketing, One Step at a Time

Overwhelmed by choices? Our guide to effective sticker marketing will help you break everything into manageable pieces.

Step One: Craft a Simple Message 

The first step is figuring out what your stickers should communicate. However, when settling on a message, keep this in mind: simple messages “stick” better. Most people will only glance at your sticker, so you need to maximize your moment with them.

A great example is the iconic “I voted” sticker handed out during election season. The message is simple and clear; with only two words, everyone gets the point. 

Keep your marketing simple. We’d recommend keeping it to four words or less if you want it to be punchy and memorable.

Step Two: Showcase Your Service

Your quick message isn’t going to mean much to your audience if they don’t see any reason to research your brand. When designing your sticker, you have to tempt your audience; after all, what’s in it for them? If the sticker says “not much”, you will probably lose their interest.

Let’s suppose that you’re advertising a computer. You’re not going to tempt clients with the complete list of the computer’s specs on a little sticker. You might, however, draw them by saying what’s so special about it. Can you open a hundred tabs without it slowing down? Is it great for live streaming? Pick a key advantage and focus on that to show your audience what’s in it for them.

Step Three: Match Your Branding

Your brand isn’t just your company; it’s everything people think of your company. If you want your stickers to remind people of your company, you need them to match your branding.

Continuing from our last example, if your logo uses hot pink, people will think of your brand as “the computer company with the hot pink logo.” Congratulations! Hot pink is now a part of your brand. Adding that color to your stickers will quickly remind your customers of your company every time they see the sticker, even if they don’t read it.

It’s also recommended to emulate the designs, fonts, and imagery in your existing marketing materials to keep them consistent. Adding your logo to the design is a plus if you can fit it.

Step Four: Design With Your Target Audience in Mind 

Think about where your customers are likely to encounter your stickers. Are they going to be freebies with their receipt after shopping at your store? Will they be sitting at your table at an event, free for the taking?

While these are good ways to distribute your stickers, you can get more creative with them. If you’re targeting potential customers, you should consider placing them outside your store, as the goal is to draw them inside. So, where are your potential customers likely to be?

Let’s imagine that you’ve left the hot pink computer business behind, and you’re now selling umbrellas. Where are people likely to seek shelter when it starts to rain? You can set out free waterproof stickers under public gazebos and bus stops. This way, your ideal customer encounters your marketing when they need it most.

Let’s not skim over the word waterproof, though. With creative plans like this, make sure your stickers hold up against what you’re putting them through.

Step Five: Use High-Quality Labels With Clear Prints 

Nothing spoils the effort put into sticker marketing faster than poor printing. If your sticker gets soggy and falls off when your customer washes their bottle, it will not convince anybody from the bottom of their sink. You’ll want your stickers printed on materials that will last so your brand will be on that mug, journal, or laptop as long as possible.

Impress Your Customers with Leapin’ Lizard Labels!

Here at Leapin’ Lizard Labels, we’ll ensure that your careful design work doesn’t go to waste. We’ll print your memorable design with high-quality ink on durable papers that can stand the test of time. Contact us today to stick your brand in your customers’ minds!

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Stickers 101: Your Ultimate Guide

Your Ultimate Guide

Check out Stickers 101: Your Ultimate Guide! We’re stoked for our new eBook with everything you need to know about stickers. 


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