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This week our employee spotlight is featuring Courtney Lewallen, our Director of Sales and Marketing! She has been with us for almost six whole years now, and consistently works in a state of moving forward, as is the case with most marketing jobs. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

I have a couple of favorites: I LOVE the people I get to work with daily! Our team is amazing and I really appreciate our company culture. The open communication everyone has with each other is really special. It truly feels like a big family. 

I would say my second favorite part is working with our clients. I love meeting new businesses who are struggling with their current label providers, and being able to offer them solutions that they are looking for. It is so fun to check in with them once they have established a working relationship with us and hearing how happy they are, and how easy it has been. I am incredibly grateful to have my job! 


What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

In a marketing and sales role, we are trained to hit the go button most of the time. And Leapin’ Lizard has grown exponentially since I have been with the company. But there have been times where as much as I wanted to push go, we either lacked the resources or the market wasn’t allowing us to do so. In those moments, we have the opportunity to reassess where we are and where we want to go. Those moments really allow us to plan and prepare for the “go” moments.

If you could give any piece of advice to our customers, what would it be?

Go for quality labels from the get-go! Your labels sell your product when you are not there, so make sure to invest in one of the biggest contributors to marketing and selling your product.

What is your driving passion for your job? What keeps you coming back to work day after day?

My driving passion is making a positive contribution to the company and making a difference for our clients. I want to not only help businesses succeed, but I want to be a role model for my co-workers.


What is your favorite product at LLL?

That’s a hard question. I think that one of my favorite things is watching a concept become a reality for our clients. Seeing the label on the computer that they designed from scratch and then seeing the final label on their product makes me super happy! I love hearing their reactions as well.

Tell us about your favorite team experience at LLL?

I always look forward to our trail days we do at Lory State Park twice a year. It’s a lot of fun and It helps out our local park for everyone to enjoy.


Thank you for your almost six years of service here, Courtney! We appreciate everything you do!

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